Cell Line Information
Designations: 3T3-Swiss albinoDepositors: H GreenGrowth Properties: adherentOrganism: Mus musculusMorphology: fibroblastSource: embryoCell Type: fibroblastCellular Products: Lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC) induces AP-1 activity and c-jun N-terminal kinase activity (JNK1) by a protein kinase C-independent pathway [26623]Isolation date: 1962Age: embryoComments: The 3T3 cell line was established by G. Todaro and H. Green in 1962 from disaggregated Swiss mouse embryos. The cells are contact inhibited.
The Transfection Reagent:
3T3-Swiss albino Cell Avalanche™ Transfection Reagent is a new class of unique chemical formulations specifically formulated and optimized for transfecting 3T3-Swiss albino Cells. The proprietary formulation of lipids and polymersensures the highest possible transfection efficiencies and viabilities for 3T3-Swiss albino Cells. For details of the developing process of this reagent, please go to: How did EZ Biosystems develop Avalanche™ Cell type/cell line specific transfection reagent series?