℡ 4000-520-616
℡ 4000-520-616
EZ Biosystems/Human Hair Follicle Dermal Papilla Cell (HFDPC) Avalanche™ Transfection Reagent/1.5 ml/EZT-HFDP-1-1.5 ml
市  场 价:¥19080.00
场      地:美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 抗体类>二抗>抗人>
邮      箱: info@ebiomall.com
美  元  价:$954.00
品      牌: EZ Biosystems
公      司:EZ Biosystems
EZ Biosystems/Human Hair Follicle Dermal Papilla Cell (HFDPC) Avalanche™ Transfection Reagent/1.5 ml/EZT-HFDP-1-1.5 ml

Cell Information:

Human Hair Follicle Dermal Papilla Cells (HFDPC) are mesenchyme cells isolated from the hair papilla of normal human scalp hair follicles. HFDPC can be used for the development and evaluation of hair growth products. Hair papilla, in the adult hair follicle, plays a crucial role in the dermal-epidermal interactions that control hair production and events of the hair growth cycle. It has been shown that cultured HFDPC can stimulate hair growth when implanted into an amputated follicle. When used in a reconstitution model, HFDPC is an excellent tool for identifying cell populations within the hair follicle and studying the effects of specific gene products on hair follicle growth and development.

The Transfection Reagent:

Transfection of primary cells, such as HFDPC, is a problem in the laboratory routine and further in tissue engineering and gene therapy. Most methods working effectively for cell lines in culture fail to transfect primary cells.

Human Hair Follicle Dermal Papilla Cell (HFDPC) Avalanche™ Transfection Reagent is a new class of unique chemical formulations specifically formulated and optimized for transfecting HFDPC. The proprietary formulation of lipids and polymers ensures the highest possible transfection efficiencies and viabilities for HFDPC. For details of the developing process of this reagent, please go to: How did EZ Biosystems develop Avalanche™ Cell type/cell line specific transfection reagent series?


  • Highest efficiency to ensure experimental success
  • Lowest Cellular Toxicity-maintain cell density and reduce experimental biases
  • 0.5 ml is able to transfect about 1000 wells of 24-well plate
  • Deliver single or multiple plasmids
  • synthesized from 100% animal origin-free components, making it easy to validate the absence of zoonotic diseases, such as BSE or viruses, in research experiments or cells lines
  • Suitable for Reverse Transfection
  • Compatible with transfection in any plate formats
  • Economical: High efficiency means less amount of nucleic acid & reagent is needed
  • Developed and manufactured by EZ Biosystems

EZ Biosystems

美国EZ Biosystems™公司是一家全球性转染试剂和基因表达生产服务提供商,公司的研发宗旨是让生命科学研究变得更简单,快速,容易!该公司主要产品之一为新一代转染试剂Avalanche 系列产品,该产品集合了组合化学,分子生物学和细胞生物学技术。公司致力于开发针对不同细胞类型的专用转染试剂。公司研发团队由多个学科经验丰富的专家组成,包括组合化学、脂类化学、生物物理学、分子生物学和细胞生物学。目前, EZBiosystems™主要提供广谱性基因及siRNA体外转染试剂、体内转染试剂、生物治疗性蛋白表达专用转染试剂以及150余种细胞特异性转染试剂。

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