Cell Information:
Lung fibroblasts play an important role in airway inflammation and airway remodeling. Human Lung Fibroblast (HLF) has been used as an important tool for medical and pharmaceutical studies. For examples: HLFcan be a target for asthma medications in pharmaceutical development; Fibroblast -based assay was used for screening of new antimicrobial drugs; Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) was found to completely down-regulate EGF receptor on the surface of fetal HLF; Pseudomonas autoinducer N-(3-oxododecanoyl) homoserine lactone induces cyclooxygenase-2 and prostaglandin E2 production in HLF important for inflammation and immune defenses; Studies also show cigarette smoke extract added to the medium induces growth inhibition of HLF.
The Transfection Reagent:
Transfection of primary cells, such as HLF, has always been challenging, both technically and financially. The most common systems currently used for molecular delivery to these cells include expensive electroporation instruments and relatively toxic chemical formulations.
Human Lung Fibroblast (HLF, NHLF) Avalanche™ Transfection Reagent is a new class of unique chemical formulations specifically formulated and optimized for transfecting HLF. The proprietary formulation of lipids and polymersensures the highest possible transfection efficiencies and viabilities for HLF. For details of the developing process of this reagent, please go to: How did EZ Biosystems develop Avalanche™ Cell type/cell line specific transfection reagent series?